The Aligned Leader

Leadership Alignment is crucial to help the Organisation set a clear vision and purpose. The “Aligned Leadership” is a structured program that assesses and amplifies four essential traits that determine how well leaders operate as a team: trust, commitment, inclusion, and a focus on the greater good. We believe that these traits transcend to exceptional Organisation performance.

There are a ton of discussions about leadership, but we focus on what counts: ensuring your leadership is aligned so you can execute your strategy and get outcomes. We work with your leaders to define the purpose, align on a clear view of the future and agree on the most critical actions needed to get there. In addition, we help you master the skills and behaviours directly related to an engaged workforce, increased growth, profitability, and total shareholder return. Our approach includes the following:

  • Leadership Effectiveness Diagnosis.
  • Customised Program to enhance purpose and alignment.
  • World-className Tools for decision-making, executive assessment and coaching.
  • On-going Leadership engagement.
  • Learn to use the power of alignment to create engagement that lasts indefinitely.

Our Approach

Transformational Discussions
Candid Feedback
Co-Created Vision

Ready To Talk ?

tryBusinessAgility, a flagship of tryScrum. Our mission is to discover, preserve and distribute knowledge and capabilities to enable the next generation of organisations to be capable and resilient.


  Plot : 2, F1 - Studio, Nest Gaura, Sundaram Colony, Chennai - 600073

 +91 9789490848

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