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Certified Digital Transformation Foundations

The Digital Transformation course is a comprehensive program designed to help individuals and...

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Certified Design Thinking Foundations

Design Thinking is a mindset that empowers individuals and organisations to approach challenges with empathy, collaboration, and...

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Certified Business Strategy & Leadership Professional

The Business Strategy & Leadership Professional course equips individuals with the strategic thinking...

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Certified Negotiation Mastery

The Negotiation Mastery program will challenge your beliefs and assumptions, navigate through emotional and rational biases, analyze intricate ...

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Certified Artificial Intelligence Foundations

The Artificial Intelligence Foundations course provides a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of...

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Product Discovery Mastery

The Product Discovery Mastery course unlocks the secrets of identifying market needs and creating innovative solutions—master user research ...

tryBusinessAgility, a flagship of tryScrum. Our mission is to discover, preserve and distribute knowledge and capabilities to enable the next generation of organisations to be capable and resilient.


  Plot : 2, F1 - Studio, Nest Gaura, Sundaram Colony, Chennai - 600073

 +91 9789490848

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